Monday, March 22, 2010

SF 2380 Passes

On Friday, March 19, the House added an amendment to SF 2380. While adding the Film Program to the tax credit incentive review schedule contained within the bill, the amendment added an additional year to the suspension, extending it until July 1, 2013.

IMPA, our lobbyists and other film program activists, Becky Gruening, Gene Hamilton, Jay Villwock and David Thrasher, attempted to have the date amended by the Senate to the original July 1, 2012. Unfortunately, due to the large, encompassing nature of the tax credit bill, the Senators did not amend the bill and it passed today 31 - 19. Senators and Representatives reassured us that they would work to create and pass legislation for a new, revamped program next session, which would override the 2013 suspension. This is where our focus now lies and we will keep you updated on our progress.

While the outcome was disappointing, the hard advocacy work undertaken by industry professionals and supporters has made a difference and the program was not eliminated this session. I and our Board of Directors thank you for all that you have done.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Time to Turn Up the Industry Advocacy Again

This week there has been movement related to the Film, Television and Video Promotion Program at the Legislature.  Our lobbyists have informed us that the Senate Ways and Means committee is leaning towards including the suspension bill into the large tax credit program bill which should be introduced next week.  At first, it may seem like bad news, but in the end, our lobbyists believe it will end up the same as if SF 2319, the current suspension bill, was passed.

Senator Dotzler informed our lobbyists that the program suspension under the large tax credit program bill would be for two years, instead of one; however, Senator Dotzler will still convene a group during the summer to craft program changes and, at the start of the next session,  immediately try to get the changes passed and the suspension date lifted upon enactment of the revision bill.  If this would occur, the suspension could be lifted prior to July 1, 2011, which would prove out better than the current suspension bill.  While IMPA is not pleased with this current situation, Senator Dotzler reminded us that Senator Bolkcom and Senator Quirmbach are still working on bills that would eliminate the program.  One of these bills, SSB 3121 will most likely pass out of subcommittee at a meeting on Monday at 2 pm in room 22.

It is time to turn up the volume on our advocacy again.  Your work has made a huge difference, thus far, and is required to kill the elimination bill.  Please write or call your elected officials to remind them of virtues of the program and ask them to fix it, not nix it.  Visit, to determine who your legislative representatives are and to obtain their e-mail addresses.  An e-mail template is provided below for your use.  Also, please forward this message to your contacts and encourage them to do the same.

IMPA representatives will be at the Senate Subcommittee meeting on Monday and encourages you to attend to show support for the program if your schedule allows.

Email Template


Do not eliminate the Film, Television and Video Promotion Program!

The program provides multiple benefits to Iowa’s economy and culture. The tax incentives facilitated a fast growing and exciting economic engine for Iowa during a severe economic downturn.  It should be recognized that the film promotion program was achieving its intended goals prior to the suspension.

The Film, Television and Video Promotion Program:
·     Creates skilled/high technology employment
·     Diversifies state’s economic industries
·     Attracts new and retains current residents
·     Funnels out-of-state money into local economies
·     Acts as a promotional vehicle for the state
·     Increases state tourism

Film, television and video production is a clean, green industry that provides good jobs in both urban and rural locations. Please visit,, to view a snapshot of the economic impact this program has had on our state.

It is my understanding that SSB 3121 will likely be voted out of the Senate Ways and Means Subcommittee on Monday.  I ask for you not to support this bill and to work towards fixing the program instead of eliminating it.

Kind regards,

America's Got Talent Looking for Season 5 Contestants

NBC’s America’s Got Talent has concluded its casting in the larger cities; however, it is extending its auditions to parts of the South and Midwest and is seeking individuals interested in auditioning for the program on March 28th in St. Louis.

This is an invite only audition showcase for about 50-60 acts. Everyone needs to be cherry picked and pre-approved for the audition. Talent/artists who would like to submit for a private audition time will need to send the following to Shannon McIntosh at

Name and Contact Info (city, email, phone #)


Description of Act

Number of People in Act

A Video Link(s) to Act (this is a MUST; no one will be considered without one)

If you are a vocalist, the video needs to be a cover. The network will not license anyone's original music, so you must have a repertoire of covers to sing on the air if you're selected.

Decisions will be made by the 20th as to who is going to be asked to come and perform/audition by Ms. McIntosh and the Producers.