Friday, February 19, 2010

Help Get Amemendments Added to SF2319

SSB 3206, which calls for the suspension of the Film, Television and Video Promotion Program until July 1, 2011, has moved to the Senate Ways and Means committee and is now titled SF 2319.

IMPA, our lobbyists and other industry supporters are working to add two amendments to the bill that would:

1. Change the reinstate date to January 1, 2011, instead of July 1, 2011.
2. Formalize an industry task force or committee to monitor the program for ROI and work on ways to revamp the program during the suspension.

The Senate Ways and Means Committee can make these changes prior to the bill going to a vote on the floor, which is much easier to do than on the senate floor.

We need your help in order to get these two points added. Please contact your Senator and all of the Senators on the Ways and Means Committee and ask them to add the requested amendments to SF 2319. A template is provided below for your use. Also, please forward this message to your contacts and encourage them to do the same.

Click here to find the e-mails and phone numbers for the members of the Senate Ways and Means Committee and visit the Iowa General Assembly website, to determine who your legislative representatives are and to obtain their e-mail addresses.

Please attend a public forum if you are able to. Click here to view an updated schedule.

E-mail Template

Senator "INSERT NAME",

I understand that the Senate Ways and Means Committee is working on SF 2319 which calls for the suspension of the Film, Television and Video Promotion Program until July 1, 2011. The current suspension has had a freezing effect on a thriving industry and I ask you to add amendments to this bill that would:

1. Change the reinstate date to January 1, 2011, instead of July 1, 2011.
2. Formalize an industry task force or committee to monitor the program for ROI and work on ways to revamp the program during the suspension.

By moving the reinstatement date up to January 1, 2011, Iowa would not loose another production season which would lead to the employment of hundreds of Iowans and millions of dollars in positive economic impact in both rural and urban locations. I believe that this program provides a net gain for the state but I believe that it is important to monitor the ROI and make improvements to the program which is why I ask for a formalized task force or committee.

Thank you,

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