Tuesday, October 19, 2010

ISA Stagecraft Workshop - Saturday, Nov. 13

Imagine you've written a script for the stage. The good news, your play was selected for a workshop performance. The bad news, your play was selected for a workshop performance.

What do directors and actors look for in a new play? How does the process work from script to stage? What do you need to make a play script a success?

You need to attend the Iowa Scriptwriters Alliance Workshop Performance of Kay Rhoads's play, “Golden Rings” to find out on Saturday November 13th in the Walsh Room of the Des Moines Botanical Center from 9AM-4PM.

It's like Shooting Scripts for the stage.

Watch and learn as two directors and two sets of actors take a single short script through the workshop process. The writer will make script adjustments based on feedback from the two director/actor teams (and possibly from the audience). We break for a one hour lunch on your own. Then the actors rehearse, and the two versions of the script will be performed.

ISA members admitted free
IMPA members $15
General public $25 (which includes an ISA membership)

Questions or to reserve a spot in the workshop, contact ISA Secretary Deb O' Bryan at:

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