Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Over 100 people attend the IMPA Press Conference

IMPA wishes to thank the over 100 supporters of the Iowa Film Industry for taking the time to attend yesterday's press conference at the Des Moines Social Club.  Here are just a couple of links to news stories about the event.

WOI  TV - Des Moines
WHO TV - Des Moines
KCCI TV- Des Moines
KGAN TV - Cedar Rapids

We need you to continue to be proactive.  We need to keep sharing our stories about working in the industry and what the Iowa Film Program has meant to you.  Please contact your legislative representatives, the Governor and the Department of Economic Development staff and board members to actively work to lift the suspension of the Iowa Film, Television and Video Project Promotion Program.

Download a copy of the IMPA form letter here.

Click here to view press conference photos.


  1. I sent an email into the Senator showing my support for re-instatement during the investigation and what an out-cry it is that he's ruining some many "once in a life time" opportunities for thousands of Iowans.

    I hope we flood his office with a message!

  2. FYI

    The link in to the form letter, is missing it's first letter (h), which makes the link invalid.

  3. Tom,
    Thank you for the heads up. This has been corrected.
